If you don’t have time to clean, here’s 10 things you can do to save yourself work in the future!

  1. Get the best and biggest door mats you can afford.  Most dirt comes in on your feet and the feet of your pets.
  2. Always saturate dirty dishes with water. That when when you go to put them on the dishwasher later or wash them later, they will not have yucky food on them.
  3. Wipe down your shower after using. Mineral deposits ( calcium, lime, iron oxide) are what your shower yuck. Yeah, soap scum clothes tributes, but it’s the mineral deposits that are harder to remove over time.
  4. Change your air filters if you have them.
  5. Get on the habit of wiping down the stovetop, the bathroom sink, and the washing machine edges every time you use.
  6. Only eat at the table.
  7. Wear slippers in the house.
  8. Wash you hands a lot… after reading the paper, after touching pets, after eating , etc
  9. Put your sponges in the washer and dryer.
  10. Keep a sponge in the shower, near the bathroom sink, near the washer, and use them often. 
  11. Keep cleaning supplies that you like in every room… spray bottles you like, scents you like!